TOST Observes World Heart Day
World Heart Day is a global campaign during which individuals, families, communities, and governments around the world participate in activities to take charge of their heart health and that of …
World Heart Day is a global campaign during which individuals, families, communities, and governments around the world participate in activities to take charge of their heart health and that of …
UNWTO has designated 2020 as the Year of Tourism and Rural Development (Theme). This day celebrates the unique role that tourism plays in providing opportunities outside of big cities and preserving cultural and natural heritage all …
The Oxford School, Trivandrum conducted the virtual Investiture Ceremony of Student Council for the academic year 2020-’21 on 7thSeptember 2020 Monday. A School Student Council was organized after the democratic …
The Oxford School, Trivandrum conducted Student Council Electiton for the academic year 2020-‘21 on its virtual platform. The election was held for the posts of Deputy Head Boy and Deputy …
Rishiraj Singh IPS, DGP, Prisons and former Excise Commissioner, speaks to Oxfordians and their parents on depression and addiction in children. The online talk will be held on July 18 …
TOST in Media: Avoid Drugs; Choose Life (ToI) A pledge administered by the Fort Police Station Assistant Commissioner Sri. R. Prathapan Nair online to students marked the International Day Against …
There are certain things that students and their parents must follow while attending online classes at home: Here are the guidelines- WATCH! Do's and Dont's While Attending Online Classes: Guidelines …
The Oxford School is moving towards a complete online learning platform with our official smart class tool, EDUCORE web. Though not a new endeavour for us, we take this opportunity …